ad. 36. What is so special about our scanning technique?
We cooperate with engineers and specialists in ultrasonographic software for leading manufacturers of ultrasound equipment in order to fully use ultrasonographic equipment for purposes of our own and our patients. Thanks to their knowledge and our experience our images are clean and clear. We guarantee that every patient can tell the difference in the quality of our images, which does not come from using a special ultrasound scanner. We are skilled in using the whole range of corrective filters in order to adjust the image individually to every patient. On only currently applied settings, we have been working for the last 3 years, comparing examination conditions for different patients. We apply the experience in modern imaging techniques onto the manner of moving over a scanner transducer, which causes our examinations to be very efficient in a relatively short time. We are up to date with new ultrasound software of different manufacturers introduced each year. Several times a year we compare the potential of different ultrasound scanners and different transducers. On that basis, a lot of specialists in Poland and abroad take our opinions into consideration before ordering new ultrasound equipment.
The technique of examination, which we employ, is not insignificant. Specialists, lecturers, and instructors who teach medical staff in Poland and abroad work at our centre. Our centre equals practice created by ultrasound teachers. It distinguishes us from other centers.