ad. 30. What are the recommendations for before and after the amniocentesis/chorionic villus sampling?
Apart from a positive attitude, there are no recommendations for patients before the amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. These examinations should be treated in the same manner as other extractions such as puncture of an elbow pit for acquiring a blood sample from a mother.
Please be sure to provide us with an original patient’s blood group certificate. Before the examination we recommend a genetic consultation, which in a lot of cases might help to optimize the method of a sample collection.
Tests towards HBS, anti-HCV, VDRL, HIV are not required at our centre.
In recent years the technique of material sampling has changed. It is much safer, and the needles used are significantly thinner. Therefore, let us emphasize that complications after diagnostic tests are extremely rare, thus after this kind of procedures no specific recommendations are given.
The risk of complications is the highest during first two days after the procedure. Patients should avoid physical strain at the time. If there are no major issues during this time, the risk of pregnancy loss drops nearly to zero. OTC medications allowed in case of a discomfort after the procedure are “Paracetamol”, “Buscopan”, “No-Spa”. The risk disappears completely after about two weeks.
In case of any distressing symptoms such as: frequent regular abdomen pain, spotting, bleeding, amniotic fluid leak or increased temperature, a contact with the specialist in charge, our centre or the nearest obstetric centre is recommended. Please remember that some spotting might occur during pregnancy, which is not related to the performed procedure. A consultation with a gynecologist will help to soothe nerves.
The risk of pregnancy loss is always higher in case of fetal edema or complex congenital defects.