ad. 18. How to prepare for an ultrasound scan?

An ultrasound scan does not require any preparation in general. In case of an scan during pregnancy we advise to empty the bladder before entering the consulting room. On the day of an examination, it is important to avoid using any crèmes or dermatological specimens on the skin of the abdomen as they may reduce penetration of the ultrasound beam. Women with excessive hairiness on the surface of the skin of an abdomen are politely asked to remove hair, which reflects ultrasound beams and limits the view, which, in turn, decreases the effectiveness of the examination.

Transvaginal ultrasound scan requires emptying the bladder. In cases of young girls and women who have not had sexual intercourse yet we perform a transabdominal examination, and therefore, it is important to fill the bladder well before the examination (e.g. 1l of mineral water 30 minutes before the examination).
